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Learning a language enables candidates to make connections with different people and their cultures and to play a fuller part as global citizens. The ability to use language effectively lies at the centre of thinking and learning. This course enables candidates to reflect, communicate and develop ideas through language. Candidates will develop advanced skills in Talking, Writing, Reading as appropriate to purpose, audience and context. 




1 Year full time/

6 periods per week



(1200-1500 words in English)  

15% of overall mark 


Candidates demonstrate their analytical skills in relation to literature or media within the context of the modern language.  


Reading and Translation- 25% 


Listening & Discursive Writing-35% 




No cost although pupils may want to buy a bilingual dictionary. 




This course provides students with the opportunity not only to develop their proficiency in the French language but also to develop independent learning skills including research and analysis. Therefore, the course is ideal not only for candidates wishing to study languages at university but equally for any prospective university student. Candidates will further develop understanding of how language works through a range of different media in the contexts of society, learning, employability and culture.  The development of grammatical knowledge is key to the course as is further development of translation skills.  The portfolio element of the course enables candidates to develop skills in literary appreciation, to further enhance their enjoyment and understanding of their own and other cultures and to explore the interconnected nature of languages. 


In a wider context, this course opens many doors for our pupils, many of whom go on to study languages at university level. Don’t forget, French is a key global language, spoken by 74 million people across the world. Being able to speak French can provide you with travel and work opportunities. In fact, according to the British Council’s 2013 report ‘Languages for the Future’, 49% of UK businesses look for employees who can speak French, meaning studying the language will be a huge asset to your career. With a projected 750 million speakers by 2050, being able to speak the French language is a powerful skill to have. 


Follow this link to learn more about why Language Learning is key to personal and professional development: 





Advanced Higher French is very much a continuation of Higher. Candidates will continue to study topics drawn for the 4 contexts of Society, Learning, Employability and Culture but will be encouraged to understand and use more complex and language and will be asked to consider topics from a less personal angle. Discursive essay writing, as well as spoken discussion of contemporary topics, is central to the course. 


You will study in a very supportive environment where you will have access to a wide range of up-to-date resources (many digitally based) to help you achieve the best grade possible.  


Check out our Twitter and Instagram profiles for more information on the types of learning that takes place in our classrooms: @MeldrumMFL.


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entry requirements

An A or B in Higher French


The course is graded  

A: Band 1, Band 2 

B: Band 3, Band 4 

C: Band 5, Band 6 

D: Band 7 


Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course


With France as one of the UK’s largest European trading partners, French can provide you with an ever-growing number of career opportunities. Advanced knowledge of French is seen as a huge asset to UK companies and post-Brexit, this is likely to continue to grow in importance. 

While there are many jobs where you can use your language skills indirectly, if you want to actively employ it in your work, here are some careers you could consider: 

French Teacher or Tutor 

If you’re interested in working with young people, wish to continue developing your language skills and want to pass on your linguistic knowledge, then teaching may be the career for you. In order to become a qualified French teacher, you’ll need to have a French degree and postgraduate teaching qualification, whereas these aren’t prerequisites for becoming a French tutor

French Translator 

If you reach a level of French where you can be considered bilingual, then becoming a French translator could be the career choice for you. As a translator you’ll typically be self-employed, or working on a contracted basis for different companies. You can also choose to specialise in different areas of translation, such as medical or legal translation. 

Travel and Tourism 

Travelling as part of your career can be an exciting prospect, and Advanced Higher French can open up many opportunities in the travel and tourism sector. For example, you could work as a travel agent, part of airline crew or holiday representative. All of these jobs look favourably upon prospective employees who can speak more than one language. 


Due to the rapid growth of the Internet, businesses are now able to sell their products and services to customers all over the world. As a result, there are many marketing and PR jobs that require applicants to be able to speak a second language. Any career in the communications sector will see an Advanced Higher in a language as a huge plus so French could open up career paths both at home and abroad. 

my world of work

This link will take you to an excellent resource on MyWOW which looks at potential career routes when you select a combination of subjects. 


Information from pupils who have studied this course as to how they feel it was.

Catriona Edwards - S6

AH French allows you to improve a variety of skills, all of which are vital not only for language studies at uni but also for all areas of further study. It allows you to improve on the skills you develop through Nat 5 and Higher as well as incorporating a more practical side of language learning. By linking Advanced Higher French with other subjects, I have been able to do the Scottish Languages Baccalaureate which made my application for university stand out. 


Hannah Michie - S6 (Dual linguist - AH French and AH Spanish)

There is no denying that although it is challenging at times, studying Advanced Higher languages has been the best thing to prepare me for university and to continue to develop my love of languages. It pushes me out of my comfort zone, and my confidence (not only in languages) is all the better for it. 


Meldrum Academy, Colpy Road, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire, AB51 0NT

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