S2 into S3 General Information

S3 is the final year of the Broad General Education for all young people. Although young people will continue to follow a broad and balanced curriculum covering all of the curricular areas, at this stage young people will have the opportunity to experience an element of personalisation and choice.
During the subject choice process, a parents information evening will be held in the school to which all S2 parents are invited. Senior leaders will explain the subject choice process to parents and answer any generic questions they have. Parents will receive information regarding the arrangements for this event one week prior to the event. Parents should look out for this.
Following the parents information evening, an assembly will be held for pupils which will explain the subject choice process. Generic questions will be answered. Pupils will have the opportunity to speak to their teachers during lesson time to help them decide which pathway is the most suitable for them within each faculty.
Within the S3 curriculum there is an opportunity for some of our young people to undertake a level 5 course with our education partner, NESCoL. This course is run in collaboration with Shell. The course was introduced to encourage females to enter STEM industries. The course has been running very successfully for a number of years at Meldrum Academy, with our young people enjoying a wide range of success on the course and beyond.
S2 into S3 Subject Choice Form