How do I know if this course is right for me? Read through this list – if most of these apply to you then we look forward to seeing you in June.
I like to know what is ‘going on’ in the world around me.
I am interested in the ‘World of Business’
I enjoy watching programmes such as “Junior Apprentice” and “Dragons Den”.
I like to problem solve and undertake research by myself.
I enjoy making use of ICT to create things like TV adverts, Apps, PowerPoints, own notes (flashcards).
I am a hard worker and enjoy being challenged.
I like being part of a team.
Choosing to study Business in the BEIT Faculty allows pupils to gain access to many different career paths such as marketing, international business, fashion, events management, engineering to name but a few. Most College and University courses have a business component so this course will be of great benefit to you.
This course gives pupils an insight into today’s business world. Our
journey will take us through not only why there is a need for business and
how the economy works but it will also consider the areas of Marketing,
Human Resource Management, Production and Finance.
Learning and teaching activities include presentations, class discussions, paired and group work activities, quizzes, individual assignments, case studies, review of business news, Internet access for research. Learners will use web-based programmes like Glow Teams to support their learning.
Everything you need to know before selecting this course
The purpose of homework is to review and reinforce learning, build links between home and school and encourage independent learning. Learners will carry out homework in a variety of ways e.g. formal written exercises, self/peer assessment, research, practical tasks, revision, project work, evaluation, preparation.
Learners have a responsibility for their own learning, and it is good practice to revisit classwork regularly where no formal homework has been issued.
How you will be assessed
Formal assessment of your S3 course will be through end of unit tests which will help you decide whether to continue to National 5 in S4.
Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course
The study of business can lead to running your own business or choosing careers in the Energy, Research, Sales, Management, Marketing, Design and Music. Click on the link below to explore further career options.
Business Management Job Profiles
S4 and beyond
Possible Progression Routes
National 4 or 5 Business Management
National 5 Administration
National 5 Accounting
Information from pupils who have studied this course as to how they feel it was.
Livie - S3
I chose S3 Business Management and I was pleasantly surprised with how liked it. I don’t like working with computers or any sort of IT, but this course wasn’t hard to understand, and I never felt like it was too hard for me to achieve any of the task required. I think taking an IT subject like Business Management is good and will set you up for life in the future and will help you understand a lot the language used in jobs.
Scott - S3
I chose Business Management because I need it when I leave school. You also learn a lot of skills in the subject like leadership skills, working as a group and skills you need to live your daily life.